Ballerina Vest

I had some fabric left from my own vest, so I made this for Frida a few days ago, and she absolutely loves it – though I think she would have liked the ballerina in front where she could see it.

Sneak peek

I sketched the ballerina from a picture on the internet, and sewed it on with a short straight stitch. That way it will fray slightly on the outside of the stitches, but that will be part of the “look”. I used the same technique for my matryoshka appliqué, and that worked just fine – actually that blouse has been in use for a year now.

The pattern is #7 from Ottobre 6/2009, and I shortened it a bit to make it give it more of a girly shape. Still considering whether to add a tie in front – it might work well even if it’s fine the way it is.

Wearing her new ballerina vest


  1. Gitte says:

    Sikke en fin vest! Applikationen er rigtig fin, det er flot når man syr den fast med en “ligeud-søm” fremfor en tyk zigzag.

  2. Jeannet says:

    Hvor er den kær.
    jeg kan også godt lide at sy med lige tråd på applikationerne. Det giver en lethed/elegance til mange applikationer.
    God påske

  3. Millie says:

    She looks so grown up, and so lovely. After I saw your adult’s version I started making this pattern too, but in fleece. I’ve had to leave it for a while, but Frida’s has inspired me to get back at it.

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